Let’s talk about procrastination: You probably noticed that I didn’t send out a blog or newsletter last week ????
I totally forgot. I think I was having a senior moment, well at least that’s what I was blaming it on.
The truth is, I derailed myself. The real truth is I was procrastinating, and time just flew by.
Yeah, procrastination… Every day I said I’ll do it later… I’ll do it tomorrow and them tomorrow never came.
What I found myself doing is all the little things, the easy things, the things that I wanted to do that derailed me from the most important things that needed to get done.
Have you ever done this? Have you ever put something off because you just weren’t in the mood to do it? Or you had every intention of doing it later, but you got sidetracked?
What tasks are you putting off?
What is that one thing you wanted to start but you put it off? What’s stopping you from starting?
I want to share this book with you called “EAT THAT FROG’’ It sounds kinda weird but it made total sense.
It will help you put things in order, so you get the most important things done on your To-Do-List. It’s a game-changer.
If you want to learn how to start making money with your hobby get the details HERE.
Can’t wait to see you there.