Here’s how to start your own business or scale the one you already have
1: Get over the fear
Fear is one of the biggest things that holds people back from success. What If it doesn’t work, what if I don’t know how to do something, how do I learn this social media stuff, what will my friends and family think and so on. This is just bad self-talk. As Joyce Meyer would say, do it afraid and do it messily.
2: Be willing to learn
Spend time each week reading books, watching webinars, join a group or listening to podcasts that will help you learn how to grow your business. My advice is, never stop learning. It’s your bread and butter.
Join my group Ask Cheryl Phan and be part of a community where you connect with like-minded women and learn trick and tips to help you excel.
3: Have something others want
Do you have a hobby, craft or something you’re passionate about that other people want? Are you selling your products one at a time to friends? Are you making a few dollars here and there? Isn’t time you start making real money! This is your time.
4: Make the time
People ask me all the time “How do you find the time to do everything you do” It’s simple, I don’t find the time; I MAKE THE TIME.
There will always be distractions and other things to do. If you want to make money, work from home and work for yourself you must MAKE the time. Try and cave out 1-2 a day to work on your business. If you’re a morning person, get up an hour earlier in the morning or if you’re a night owl, spend and hour at night doing something to build your business.
Why are people willing to give 40 hours a week to someone else to build their dreams but they’re not willing to give an extra 5-10 hours a week to build their own dreams. Invest in yourself and build your own dreams. It’s worth the time.
5: Ask for help
One thing I wish I did from the get-go was to reach out and find a mentor or coach. Find people that can help you excel and grow your business. Don’t try and reinvent the wheel. Do the monkey see… monkey do method. If it’s working for someone else, just do what they are doing. You can shave off years of trial and error if you just find someone that is already doing what you want to do.
If you’re ready to take your hobby and turn it into a real business and make money doing what you love. Get on my wait list HERE to learn how you can turn your hobby into a business so you can make extra money, supplement your income or create a business that will be life-changing.
I hope this has helped you see that there is a business inside of you that is waiting to surface. Everyone is born with a God-given talent. Discover yours and share it with the world.
If you want to learn how to start making money with your hobby get the details HERE
If you want to learn DIY Tricks and Tips get my weekly blog HERE
You owe it to yourself!
Cheryl Phan